
Hi! We’re Ashley & Damon - we live in a little home on a little farm in a little town called Eclectic.

We bought our 20 acre slice of heaven a few months after getting married. Ashley and her dad are home builders and built our little cottage in the piney woods. We started with the home, and after getting moved in we turned our attention to starting up our homestead and moving towards a more sustainable life here on the farm.

We’ve had a lot of questions since sharing our home on socials after we moved in about our home and how we built it. So, we figured why not share what we’ve learned and bring you along as we turn 20+ acres of pine forest into our own piece of paradise.

From home decor and recipes, gardening tips and learning to can, all the way to construction loan and building advice, the Little Eclectic Home is here to help and inspire!

With love,

Ashley & Damon

Follow our socials!